At Tao Acupuncture, certified, experienced acupuncturists put their whole-hearted faith and reliability on empirical knowledge coupled with latest research findings for ascertaining the appropriate acupuncture treatment plan for the patients.
Determining the proper acupuncture treatment plan formulated and developed at Tao Acupuncture constitutes interviewing patients related to their problems and concerns and examining them in accordance with Chinese medicine diagnostic principles and methodologies.
Once the problem is understood and framed within the purview of diagnostic language of Chinese medicine, a plethora of treatment options are taken into account, making way for the development of an apt treatment plan.
How General Acupuncture Treatment Plan helps in relieving and curing pain?
Standard acupuncture treatment plan developed at Tao Acupuncture Perth commences by performing numerous consultations with certified Acupuncturist at the earliest, providing valuable insights and relevant information pertaining to how well patients respond to acupuncture treatment, enabling practitioners to determine the best-ever acupuncture and Chinese treatment plan.
Once the patient’s response rate (IRR) and most suitable treatment plan is understood, it’s possible to estimate the dose involving frequency and treatment duration, which are needed for recovery of the patient.
Once the patient’s IRR is determined, traditional acupuncture treatment plan undertaken at Tao Acupuncture by qualified, certified Acupuncturist would generally involve something like 2 or 3 consultations per week.
After the patient is free or devoid of symptoms which’ve been plaguing them quite often, owing to acupuncture treatment consultations and sessions, the frequency of treatment is reduced. It’s imperative to understand that there is no conclusion of treatment plans as such at this point because reduction or symptoms eradication does not necessarily denote the end of the underlying problems, or the issues being resolved. This is due to the fact that recovery from ailments or injury involves a multi-step procedure including varied phases of recovery.
At Tao Acupuncture, acupuncturists contemplate over recovery from injury or illness in three distinctive phases; symptomatic, asymptomatic, and resolution. Each phase requires a different treatment plan, session, and dose, which will typically be reflected and discernible in acupuncture treatment plan.
In a nutshell, typical treatment plan at Tao Acupuncture looks like:
- Patients’ interview & examination for determining the nature of problems.
- Initial consultations to confirm response rate.
- Development of treatment plan for progression through 3 phases of recovery:
- Dose at symptomatic phase is generally 2-3 consultations per week for many weeks.
- Dose at asymptomatic phase is typically one consultation per week, sliding out to 1 consultation fortnightly.
- Dose at resolution phase generally constitutes one monthly consultation.
In addition to standard acupuncture treatments, Acupuncturist at Tao Acupuncture adheres to holistic methods as well as multiple healing methods like Gua Sha (scraping), Tui Na-hands-on bodywork technique, integrative care treatments like massage therapy and chiropractic care as part of acupuncture treatment plan.
Avail the benefits of acupuncture treatment plans at Tao Acupuncture Perth-one-of-a-kind clinic well-equipped with latest technology and equipment under certified Acupuncturist Quin Wang (Kathy). Tao Acupuncture creates customized, conducive environment for treatment based on ancient Chinese Medicine with 20+ years of clinical experience, 150+ advanced proven procedures, 100+ no side effects, friendly practitioners, certified therapists, experienced acupuncturists having 850+ happy clients.
Range of Acupuncture Services:
- Acupuncture for sports injuries
- IVF, Pregnancy & Fertility Acupuncture
- Acupuncture for weight loss
- Acupuncture for headaches & migraines
- Acupuncture for treating & combating allergies
- Gynaecological Genitourinary Acupuncture to alleviate problems about monthly menstrual cycle, PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)
- Chinese & Japanese Acupuncture
- Chronic Pain Acupuncture for activating body’s self-healing mechanism
- Chinese Herbal Medicine in powders, topical pastes, salves, tablet forms
- Cosmetic Acupuncture for youthful, flawless skin
- Moxibustion for improving body’s self-healing capacity
- Chinese Cupping Therapy for removing excess pathogens, mitigating muscle tension, restoring good blood circulation and respiratory system
Tao Acupuncture provides customers the provisions of Same Day Appointments & Walk-Ins accepting all Major Health Funds.
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