(08) 9388 9188 or 0401 749 228
Scientific testing has proven the existence of our body’s channels or ‘meridians’ and the individual points that have the least resistance to electrical or ‘chi’ flow. If there is obstruction in this system of channels, imbalance, pain and disease can occur. Activating specific individual points removes the obstruction and a healthy flow returns.
Japanese and Chinese acupuncture share the basic principles of channels or ‘meridians’. Qin (Kathy) much finer needles for Japanese acupuncture treatments. This makes for a lot gentler stimulation. Afraid of needles? Then Japanese acupuncture is for you.
Acupuncture and dry needling use the same needles, but have distinctly different approaches. Dry needling only assists with musculoskeletal issues and focuses on the symptom. The needle is penetrated into the muscle, inactivating trigger points by causing localized hemorrhaging in the area of pain. Acupuncture focuses on both symptom and underlying cause. The needle activates meridians in the body and treats many health conditions beyond pain relief.
Cosmetic acupuncture is being embraced worldwide as the healthy, non-surgical alternative to dermal fillers – though it’s been used for centuries in China and other parts of Asia. By using acupuncture on specific points on the face (also can be used on the neck and hands) collagen is created under the skin. In line with traditional acupuncture, cosmetic acupuncture embraces a natural holistic approach.
Acupuncture needles are 25-50 times thinner than a hypodermic needle. And gentle acupuncture is Qin (Kathy)’s specialty. You may feel a dull ache or a tingling sensation at most. Some feel nothing at all. Most find our acupuncture treatments relaxing and enjoyable.
Cups are placed on the skin creating a partial vacuum through suction. The suction mobilizes blood flow to promote healing. It is a highly effective way to remove obstruction in the median system of channels (see ‘How does acupuncture work?’) Many diseases, pains and ailments occur because blood is unable to reach certain parts of the body. Cupping draws the blood to reach these areas.
Moxibustion is often used in conjunction with acupuncture, using heat to stimulate specific points on the body. Essentially, moxa herbs are bunt to create the heat. A cone of moxa may be placed on the point. Or a cigar-shaped moxa stick is held near to the point. It can be safely and effectively used for almost anyone.
Chinese herbology is a large portion of traditional Chinese medicine. Your herbal medicine prescription may be a mixture of substances tailored to your particular needs. Qin (Kathy) dispenses a choice tablets, powders and raw herbs, depending on your health and preference
Initial treatments are an hour. Subsequent sessions could be 30-minutes. However, this depends on what’s best for you and your body. 30-minute treatments are recommended when you only need a treatment on one side of your body (front or back). Both sides require one hour.
Initial treatments are an hour. Subsequent If you have another health practitioner – GP, IVF specialist, chiro, physio, skin specialists, etc – she would be delighted to work with them to get the best health result for you.sessions could be 30-minutes. However, this depends on what’s best for you and your body. 30-minute treatments are recommended when you only need a treatment on one side of your body (front or back). Both sides require one hour.
Clinic hours:
Mon: 9:00am – 5:30pm
Tue: 9:00am – 6:30pm
Wed: 9:00am – 5:30pm
Thu: 9:00am – 6:30pm
Fri: 9:00am – 5:30pm
Sat: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Sun: closed
Many Australian health insurance companies list acupuncture under their extra cover policies. Please check with your health insurance company to find out your level of cover.
Call: 0893889188
SMS: 0401749228
Email: kathy@taoacupuncture.com.au
Message us through the contact form.
78 Excelsior Street WA 6008
0401 749 228
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